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恋爱时代 第六季

恋爱时代 第六季

  During the summer, Pacey and Audrey rocked Los Angeles and spent time with her next door neighbors, the Osbournes, and Jack Osbourne even tags along with them to interview at Worthington. Jen spent her time in New York and got ecstatic to learn her parents are separating. Jack got dumped by Eric, but got over it. Joey spent her summer in Capeside doing a lot of reading, working and romancing. On their first week back at Boston Bay College, Jen is shocked to run into find that Grams Ryan has decided to go back to school. At Worthington, Joey experiences nothing but bad luck when she decides to enroll in an intermediate writing class taught by the liberal, but manipulative and cynical, Professor Greg Heston who does not hesitate to ridicule and embarrass Joey in front of the class with her lack of knowledge of the current book topic. Pacey and Jack move out of Grams' house and Pacey tries to get the perfect apartment, owned by a feisty, punk rock British woman, named Emma Jones, who works as a waitress in the local bar Hell's Kitchen. Also, Dawson is working on a new movie, a horror film titled "Wicked Dead" with him as the assistant director and the hack Todd Carr as director. When he finally gets together with Joey, he is the only one to have remembered her 20th birthday.   译文(3): 夏天,Pacey和Audrey震撼了洛杉矶,与她的隔壁邻居Osbournes一家共度时光,Jack Osbourne甚至和他们一起去沃辛顿采访。珍在纽约度过了一段时间,得知父母要分居,她欣喜若狂。杰克被埃里克甩了,但还是挺过来了。乔伊在卡佩赛德度过了一个夏天,做了很多阅读、工作和恋爱。在他们回到波士顿湾学院的第一周,Jen震惊地发现Grams Ryan决定返校。在沃辛顿,乔伊决定参加一个由自由派、但善于操纵、愤世嫉俗的格雷格·赫斯顿教授教授的中级写作班,这让她遇到了厄运。赫斯顿教授毫不犹豫地在班上嘲笑乔伊,并因乔伊对当前书籍主题缺乏了解而让她难堪。Pacey和Jack搬出了Grams的房子,Pacey试图找到一套完美的公寓,这套公寓由一位名叫Emma Jones的活泼朋克摇滚英国女性所有,她在当地酒吧Hell‘s Kitchen担任女服务员。此外,道森正在制作一部新电影,一部名为“;邪恶的死人;由他担任助理导演,黑客Todd Carr担任导演。当他终于和乔伊在一起时,他是唯一一个记得她20岁生日的人。


2023-09-07 18:24:23,最后更新于 8月前


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 电视剧《恋爱时代 第六季》的剧情详细介绍

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◎影片名称:恋爱时代 第六季




◎单集片长:45 分钟


◎影片编剧:凯文·威廉姆森 汤姆·卡皮诺斯 

◎影片主演:詹姆斯·范德比克 凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 米歇尔·威廉姆斯 





◎更新时间:2023-09-07 18:24:23


  During the summer, Pacey and Audrey rocked Los Angeles and spent time with her next door neighbors, the Osbournes, and Jack Osbourne even tags along with them to interview at Worthington. Jen spent her time in New York and got ecstatic to learn her parents are separating. Jack got dumped by Eric, but got over it. Joey spent her summer in Capeside doing a lot of reading, working and romancing. On their first week back at Boston Bay College, Jen is shocked to run into find that Grams Ryan has decided to go back to school. At Worthington, Joey experiences nothing but bad luck when she decides to enroll in an intermediate writing class taught by the liberal, but manipulative and cynical, Professor Greg Heston who does not hesitate to ridicule and embarrass Joey in front of the class with her lack of knowledge of the current book topic. Pacey and Jack move out of Grams' house and Pacey tries to get the perfect apartment, owned by a feisty, punk rock British woman, named Emma Jones, who works as a waitress in the local bar Hell's Kitchen. Also, Dawson is working on a new movie, a horror film titled "Wicked Dead" with him as the assistant director and the hack Todd Carr as director. When he finally gets together with Joey, he is the only one to have remembered her 20th birthday.

  译文(3): 夏天,Pacey和Audrey震撼了洛杉矶,与她的隔壁邻居Osbournes一家共度时光,Jack Osbourne甚至和他们一起去沃辛顿采访。珍在纽约度过了一段时间,得知父母要分居,她欣喜若狂。杰克被埃里克甩了,但还是挺过来了。乔伊在卡佩赛德度过了一个夏天,做了很多阅读、工作和恋爱。在他们回到波士顿湾学院的第一周,Jen震惊地发现Grams Ryan决定返校。在沃辛顿,乔伊决定参加一个由自由派、但善于操纵、愤世嫉俗的格雷格·赫斯顿教授教授的中级写作班,这让她遇到了厄运。赫斯顿教授毫不犹豫地在班上嘲笑乔伊,并因乔伊对当前书籍主题缺乏了解而让她难堪。Pacey和Jack搬出了Grams的房子,Pacey试图找到一套完美的公寓,这套公寓由一位名叫Emma Jones的活泼朋克摇滚英国女性所有,她在当地酒吧Hell‘s Kitchen担任女服务员。此外,道森正在制作一部新电影,一部名为“;邪恶的死人;由他担任助理导演,黑客Todd Carr担任导演。当他终于和乔伊在一起时,他是唯一一个记得她20岁生日的人。


  {影视大全为您整理了电视剧《恋爱时代 第六季》的相关资讯,《恋爱时代 第六季》于美国上映,是一部由导演格雷戈里·普兰奇 导演执导,凯文·威廉姆森 汤姆·卡皮诺斯 担任编剧,詹姆斯·范德比克 凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 米歇尔·威廉姆斯 等演员精彩演绎的美国电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上影视大全(www.xzyjx.com),本网站同时也提供《恋爱时代 第六季》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


