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木乃伊国度之谜 第一季

木乃伊国度之谜 第一季

  In the shadow of the world's oldest pyramids, a team of archaeologists led by Dr Ramadan Hussein have made the discovery of a lifetime - a fully intact burial complex buried deep beneath the sand. Packed with treasures and world firsts, the site has the potential to re-write the book on mummification, unlocking secrets forgotten since the age of the pharaohs. Now the team have to open every sarcophagus, investigate every mystery and decode every clue in this never before seen discovery - the first Egyptian funeral parlour ever found.   Episodes include…   1.Hidden Chamber   Inside the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team work to uncover a unique tomb complex. Ramadan is intrigued by a wall at the bottom of the 100 foot shaft. A hunch tells him it could be a hidden burial chamber. What secrets could it hold? The team have to work fast to remove the unstable rock, but their risky search leads them to one of the biggest discoveries of the dig so far.   2.The Lone Coffin   In the newly discovered tomb complex at Saqqara, one burial chamber stands out. It holds a single, stone sarcophagus while the rest are packed with mummies. Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team face their biggest challenge yet as they battle to lift the 5 ton lid and reveal the mummy within. Using forensic investigation techniques and the latest technology, what secrets can they discover about the tomb's 2600-year old owner?   3.The Broken Seal   Archaeology is like detective work, and never more so when you discover a 12 tonne sarcophagus with its seal broken, and a lid that isn't flush with the base. From the gaps in the mortar, Dr Ramadan Hussein has a hunch that the lid was removed and replaced in antiquity. But why? Ramadan and his team investigate the evidence at this potential crime scene to discover what - or who - remains inside.   4.Servants of The Serpent Goddess   In the very deepest level of the tomb complex, Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team discover two priests buried side by side. Their investigation is a rollercoaster ride filled with glittering riches, wealthy priests and the worship of a long lost serpent goddess. But something doesn't quite add up. Only the latest technology will reveal whether these priests are exactly what - or who - they seem.


2024-05-31 12:59:03,最后更新于 13天前




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◎影片名称:木乃伊国度之谜 第一季





◎单集片长:44 分钟

◎影片导演:Matthew Ainsworth James Levelle Bianca Zamfira 






◎更新时间:2024-05-31 12:59:03


  In the shadow of the world's oldest pyramids, a team of archaeologists led by Dr Ramadan Hussein have made the discovery of a lifetime - a fully intact burial complex buried deep beneath the sand. Packed with treasures and world firsts, the site has the potential to re-write the book on mummification, unlocking secrets forgotten since the age of the pharaohs. Now the team have to open every sarcophagus, investigate every mystery and decode every clue in this never before seen discovery - the first Egyptian funeral parlour ever found.

  Episodes include…

  1.Hidden Chamber

  Inside the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team work to uncover a unique tomb complex. Ramadan is intrigued by a wall at the bottom of the 100 foot shaft. A hunch tells him it could be a hidden burial chamber. What secrets could it hold? The team have to work fast to remove the unstable rock, but their risky search leads them to one of the biggest discoveries of the dig so far.

  2.The Lone Coffin

  In the newly discovered tomb complex at Saqqara, one burial chamber stands out. It holds a single, stone sarcophagus while the rest are packed with mummies. Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team face their biggest challenge yet as they battle to lift the 5 ton lid and reveal the mummy within. Using forensic investigation techniques and the latest technology, what secrets can they discover about the tomb's 2600-year old owner?

  3.The Broken Seal

  Archaeology is like detective work, and never more so when you discover a 12 tonne sarcophagus with its seal broken, and a lid that isn't flush with the base. From the gaps in the mortar, Dr Ramadan Hussein has a hunch that the lid was removed and replaced in antiquity. But why? Ramadan and his team investigate the evidence at this potential crime scene to discover what - or who - remains inside.

  4.Servants of The Serpent Goddess

  In the very deepest level of the tomb complex, Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team discover two priests buried side by side. Their investigation is a rollercoaster ride filled with glittering riches, wealthy priests and the worship of a long lost serpent goddess. But something doesn't quite add up. Only the latest technology will reveal whether these priests are exactly what - or who - they seem.


  {影视大全为您整理了电视剧《木乃伊国度之谜 第一季》的相关资讯,《木乃伊国度之谜 第一季》于美国上映,是一部由导演Matthew Ainsworth James Levelle Bianca Zamfira 导演执导,凯瑞·莎勒 等演员精彩演绎的美国电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上影视大全(www.xzyjx.com),本网站同时也提供《木乃伊国度之谜 第一季》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


